Monday 17th June 2013- The task of ' A2 Travel and Tourism, Unit G729 : Travel and Tourism Project, Analysing the feasibility of the chosen project' was given to the class.
We discussed with our teacher the demands of the project and what would need to be completed in this part of the A2 Travel and Tourism Coursework. We discussed different avenues and routes we could choose to go down when planning our event, such as a college trip, residential visit, educational trip, organising a festival or performance as well as the different types of customers/groups of people we could choose to target the event towards such as a music festival for music loving teenagers and students, an educational trip for college students that would benefit there studies, an event targeted towards staff or a leisure coach trip to the beach for the Elderly. I then considered the negatives and positives of these types of trips such as..
- A trip for the Elderly would take a lot of supervision, many older people enjoy different activities from one another and depending on the age and ability of the group there may need to be accessible disabled transport for them and carers/supervisors too which could cost a lot and take a lot of organizing to make it suitable and to please all the customers/tourists.
-Students typically don't have a lot of money and therefore its important to conciser weather the group would be able to afford the visit and if there would be any funding available from the college/school/university to help fund the trip and cut the price down.
-There are a lot of different variable factors to conciser when organising an event which could all have a negative impact on the on the overall success and outcome of the trip such as price- is it affordable to the target group/customers? time- without planning and scheduling every detail of an event, something could go wrong, distance- how long would it take to get there? would the group have enough time in the location? Venue/Location- is the location and particular event suitable and relevant to the target age group? Does the event for fill it's purpose? Without planning each detail of an event carefully and preciously the outcome of the event could be a negative one.
-It would be hard and wouldn't be very feasible to organise an event like a music festival as it would cost a lot of money to hire a venue and artists/bands and its predominantly students who are interested in music festivals and students typically don't have a lot of money to spend. People are only likely to want to come to a music festival if it has well established artists like Rhiannna, Olly Murs, Paloma Faith and Florence and the Machine which I feel just isn't going to be feasible or possible to create and fund as a successful music festival event on this particular project.
-A trip for a group of large students or children from colleges/schools would also mean that there would have to be a large amount of teachers/chaperons to supervise them as required, which could cost money and may not be feasible as a large amount of teachers/chaperons may not be available during the time of the trip.
-If organising a college trip for students, it would be possible to get funding to help students afford the cost of the trip and the college have some of there own transport such as mini-buses which would make the trip more feasible, successful and affordable.
-If organising a trip/event for college students, there are lots of options for educational trips that would be feasible, relevant and of interest to lots of different students. Such as a museum trip or a theatre trip - which could be relevant to Drama and Theatre Studies, Performing Arts, English Literature and language and possibly history students.
-When planning a trip event for students studying a particular subject, its much easier to create an event that students enjoy and will be of relevance to them, as the trip could be tailored towards a group of students that are all on the same course and therefore the trip would be feasible and of interest to them.
-Booking for a larger group of people on a trip typically works out cheaper than a smaller group or booking individually, there are often lots of deals offered at tourists attractions for larger groups of visitors, this could therefore reduce the cost of the trip/event and thus make it much more feasible.
-When organising an event for this project there are a lot of different directions, ideas, types of events and target customers to choose from, this allows the group to explore a range of different ideas and come up with the most feasible trips through the groups different reasearch points and ideas, which will help make the event we eventually plan and make happen both feasible and a success.
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